Why Rust excites me

Fehmi Can Saglam
3 min readJan 5, 2022

I started coding in 2000 and C was my first programming language. It’s 2022 and a programming language excites me again. The last time I had this feeling was in 2012 with Scala.

Me, coding in 2004. I was able to keep only a quarter of my hair.
Me, coding in 2004. I was able to keep only a quarter of my hair.

Although I am a part of the generation that grew up with the Commodore 64, I had my first computer at university. In the second semester of freshman year, I started learning C. I remember the joy I felt after writing and running my first code and saying “I was born for this” like it was yesterday. Afterwards, I continued my personal projects with C++. My graduation project in 2004 was on compressed video and audio transmission over the Internet, which were very new concepts at that time, and I developed the project with Borland C++ Builder. I even used C++ for my first open source project, termula2x, which I developed between 2006 and 2008.

In my professional career, after writing C# for the first few months, I started using Java in 2006. I have been coding mainly in Scala since 2013, but I use both languages ​​almost every day. I have occasionally written javascript, coffeescript, php, python, perl, but I have never used these languages long-term and in-depth.

Looking at the languages ​​I use in both my personal and professional projects, it’s easy to see that I always have a static type system at hand. Scala, which is currently the language I like the most and feel most comfortable…



Fehmi Can Saglam

I’m a software engineer based in Berlin. I write mostly about programming and living healthy.